week 7, October 12

Jeffrey Sincich
Quilted Cotton
Independent Work Day in the Sewing Lab
1. Make a quilted letter. Choose any letter from letter block pdf (L, I, T must be combined with another letter since they are too simple). Patterned precut strips of fabric, printed pdf, and muslin are available in the Sewing Lab (Thank you, Gary, for preparing these!). Binding of the quilt (the finishing of the edges) will be covered after fall break.
Today, students’ goal is to 1. piece together the patchwork/piecework top with the letter and border, 2. create a quilt sandwich with quilting stitches, 3. trim the quilt’s edges. All steps for making the quilt sample are in the video Quilt Sample: Letter Q; work alongside me.
2. If you finish your quilt letter and there is still time left in the class, please make two dart samples by following this video. Dart samples can be found on the sample board in the sewing lab.
Dart Sample 1 & 2
3. Pin an image of what you accomplished today with your samples before leaving the classroom!
4. Don’t forget to pin an image of your progress with the weaving before leaving for fall break, especially if planning to ask for an extension! Pin it to the weaving board. Extensions will NOT be considered without this pin.
1. pin minimum 10 images related to Banners and Quilt assignment in Fall2023, Intro Banner board, Inspiration folder
2. videos to watch (with quiz next class):
Cloth and Culture: Quilted Objects from Around the World (beginning – 35 mins)
Craft in America: QUILTS episode
Gee’s Bend, Quilting Over Generation
How a Group of Women in This Small Alabama Town Perfected the Art of Quilting
Bisa Butler: Portraits