Spun Yarn


  1. Spin all of the raw wool you were given into a single ply thread. Spin clockwise.
  2. Use the ball winder (stored in one of the black cubbies in Studio A) to wind a center pull ball. The ball winder allows both ends of the ball to be pulled out simultaneously. Alternatively, you can wind two spools of singles by hand around two cardboard spools (just narrow rectangles of cardboard), eyeing the size of each, so that more or less equal amount of thread is on each spool.
  3. To ply the two singles, spin counterclockwise.
  4. Use niddy noddy to make a hank/skein of yarn. Add 3-4 ties to the hank/skein. If you do not have a substantial amount of yarn, us a hardcover book to make a small hank/skein; add ties. Place the hank/skein into bowl of water. After 30 mins, remove from water and ring out excess moisture by pressing a clean towel against the hank/skein. Allow to air dry. Wind into a yarn butterfly or ball.

visual glossary

niddy noddy
ball winder

yarn/umbrella swift


yarn butterfly, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1AVatg9Di4
hank/skein with figure 8 ties

spinning how to videos
how to spin single and double ply yarn (basic but good)
how to spin single and double ply yarn (more detailed)
how to double ply yarn
how much twist should you add?
joining fiber to yarn

niddy noddy, skein, swift, ball winder, yarn butterfly
niddy noddy and how to make a skein/hank (quick)
niddy noddy and how to make a skein/hank (longer)
placing ties in your skein to prevent thread from tangling
how to use a yarn/umbrella swift
how to use a ball winder
how to wind a yarn butterfly
prepare skeins for dyeing figure 8 ties
how to open a skein of yarn, umbrella swift, ball winder

finishing singles yarn
how to get rid of slubs (bumps) in your yarn
using knitty noddy
finishing or setting the spun yarn
finding balance