TextBox textBox1; StringList trialSpeedTime; int backSpaceCounter; import rita.*; import processing.serial.*; Serial myPort; // Create object from Serial class int val; // Data received from the serial port String [] colors = {"5,0,10","7,0,20","5,0,25", //purple-blue "2,1,25","0,10,20","0,20,10", //blue-green "5,20,5","15,15,0","30,15,1"}; //green-yellow void setup(){ size(1512,982);//1512, 982 background(189,169,209); textBox1 = new TextBox(526,258,739,506); //500,245,700,478 trialSpeedTime = new StringList(); backSpaceCounter = millis(); String portName = Serial.list()[1]; println(Serial.list()); myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 9600); PImage img; img = loadImage("background.png"); image(img, 0, 0, width, height); //*0.95 } void draw(){ textBox1.draw(); } class TextBox{ TextBox(int x, int y, int boxWidth, int boxHeight){ this.x = x; this.y = y; this.boxWidth = boxWidth; this.boxHeight = boxHeight; } void draw(){ drawBox(); drawText(); checkkeyReleased(); checkKeyPressed(); recordEvent(); } void drawBox(){ stroke(205); fill(244,243,236); rect(x, y, boxWidth, boxHeight); } void drawText(){ textAlign(LEFT, TOP); textSize(16); fill(0); PFont font; font = createFont("Arial", 25); textFont(font); text(textValue + getCursor(), x + 5, y+10, boxWidth-15,boxHeight-10); } void checkKeyPressed(){ if (keyPressed && c != key && str(c).toUpperCase()!=str(key).toUpperCase()){ keyCounter = millis(); c = key; if (key == BACKSPACE){ textValue = textValue.substring(0,textValue.length()-1); backSpace += 1; println(backSpace); if (backSpace > 3){ //CHECK IF DELETE IS PRESSED TOO MANY TIMES println("many delete!"); manyDelete = true;} else { manyDelete = false; } } else if ((c >= ' ' && keyCode != 16)){ textValue+=(str(key)); keyTime = keyCounter - previousKeyCounter; checkKeySpeed(); previousKeyCounter = keyCounter; keyCounter = 0;} } } void recordEvent(){ backSpaceCounter1 = millis(); if ((backSpaceCounter1 - prev_backSpaceCounter)>5000){ prev_backSpaceCounter = backSpaceCounter1; print(backSpace,backSpaceCounter1, prev_backSpaceCounter); //check typed contents String[] checkText = split(textValue,' '); for (int i = 0; i <(checkText.length); i++) { if (checkText[i].length() > 0 && RiTa.isPunct(checkText[i])== false){ println(checkText[i],RiTa.hasWord(checkText[i]),RiTa.hasWord(checkText[i].substring(0,checkText[i].length()-1))); if ((RiTa.hasWord(checkText[i]) == false) && RiTa.hasWord(checkText[i].substring(0,checkText[i].length()-1)) == false){ misSpell+=1; } } } println(misSpell,checkText.length); // check misspell if (checkText.length != 0 && misSpell > checkText.length/2){ println("Too Many MISSPELLING"); manyError = true;} else { manyError = false; } //initialize misSpell = 0; backSpace = 0; backSpaceCounter1 = 0; //change Lighting checkLight(); } } void checkkeyReleased(){ if(!keyPressed){ c = 0; } } void checkKeySpeed(){ trialSpeedTime.append(str(keyTime)); println((keyTime),trialSpeedTime); int size = trialSpeedTime.size(); //check speed each 10 character(seconds/char) if (size>9){ trialSpeedTime.remove(0); keyTotalTime = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++){ float item = float(trialSpeedTime.get(i)); keyTotalTime += item; } keySpeed = keyTotalTime / 10; println("Speed =" + keySpeed + "s/character"); if (keySpeed > 300){ //CHECK IF SPEED IS FAST fastSpeed = false; println("TOO SLOW");} else fastSpeed = true; } } void checkLight(){ //NOT A AND (B OR C) --> Y if ((fastSpeed == false) && (manyError == true | manyDelete == true) && (confuseLevel<9)){ confuseLevel += 1; //light println("CONFUSE LEVEL is" + confuseLevel);} else if(confuseLevel>0){ confuseLevel -= 1;} myPort.write(colors[confuseLevel]); println(colors[confuseLevel]); } String getCursor() { return hovering() && (frameCount>>4 & 1) == 0 ? "|" : ""; } boolean hovering(){ return mouseX >= x && mouseX <= x + boxWidth && mouseY >= y && mouseY <= y + boxHeight; } //private String[] lines = loadStrings("IncludedWords.txt"); private int x, y, boxWidth, boxHeight; private float keyCounter, previousKeyCounter, keyTime,keySpeed, keyTotalTime, backSpace,backSpaceCounter1,prev_backSpaceCounter; private float misSpell; private int confuseLevel = 0; private String textValue = ""; private char c; private boolean fastSpeed = true, manyDelete = false, manyError = false; }