Category: Uncategorized

Preparation for Final Event: Flux

Project Title: Flux (iterate on project 2) Installation sketch: Use of Space What type of space do you need? The space that I need is about 45 feet…

Flow Project: Ideation for Show

This concept would require no extra coding or programming. Simply an expansion of the project into a more installation-oriented piece.

Rausch P3

We are all Horrible People I will need about a 5×5 square foot of floor space for the desk/space for a person to sit in front of it….

Ideation – project 2

FLOW Rausch Ideation

IDEA 1 This experience is meant to be used by multiple people at once, with more people causing more birds to flap their wings. The birds would be…

Project 1-RefLogic-Documentation-Sunniva

    TextBox textBox1; StringList trialSpeedTime; int backSpaceCounter; import rita.*; import processing.serial.*; Serial myPort; // Create object from Serial class int val; // Data received from the serial…


Project 1 Documentation (1) (gprado)

Maquette This maquette includes a simple, two outcome representation of the steam tunnel game. The user has options to go left or right and decide whether to open…

Sunniva’s Project Idea

test post

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