CNC Router – DigiTool 62-478 Spring 2017 Mon, 15 May 2017 16:36:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Tool Library Mon, 27 Feb 2017 17:28:10 +0000 Continue reading "Tool Library"



What is a Tool Library?

The PHYSICAL TOOL LIBRARY is a collection of milling tools, prepared for use with a CNC Spindle that has automatic tool changing capabilities. The milling tools are loaded into a collet assembly and their locations are recorded/programmed for CNC operations.


A DIGITAL TOOL LIBRARY is a digital representation of the PHYSICAL TOOL LIBRARY. This digital reference provides details on the actual/physical tools, including important information such as the tool’s diameter, length & location. This simulated library is used in the CAM interface for collision and/or problem detection; also used for Post Processing when sending a file to the CNC Equipment (indicates tool location).


Tool Libaries

The Tool Library is available for download by selecting one of the following links. *The libraries provided are for IDeATe Equipment ONLY!

IDeATe Tool Library : Standard, Inches

IDeATe Tool Library : Metric, Millimeters


1. Tool Library: Download
Download & save the Tool Library. Make note of where the file is saved.
2. Tool Library: Browser

RhinoCAM includes (2) browser windows:

1. Machining Operations Browser (AKA MOps or Machinining Browser) Create, manage and setup machining operations and preferences.

2. Machining Objects Browser (AKA MObs) Create, organize or manage Tool Libraries, Machinine Features/Drive Geometry and template operations.

3. Tool Library: Unload/Load

Unloading an existing Tool Library or Loading a new version, can be achieved through the Machining Objects Browser.

1. OPEN the Machining Objects Browser (MObs) by selecting the TOOLS, MACHINING OBJECTS button from the Machining Operations Browser (MOps).

2. UNLOAD any existing tool libraries, if they exist- by selecting the  UNLOAD TOOL LIBRARY button.

3. LOAD a tool library by selecting the LOAD TOOL LIBRARY button; browse to the location of the tool library and select OPEN.

After loading a tool library, a list of tools should appear in the Machining Objects Browser (MObs)- as shown in the image on the right.

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Post Wed, 22 Feb 2017 17:16:40 +0000 Continue reading "Post"



What is a Post?

A POST DEFINITION file is a unique translation document, defining multiple variables and lines of code that are specific for Computer Numeric Controlled Equipment. Think of this as a dictionary, of sort.

A POST PROCESSOR creates, arranges, and formats lines of code between CAD Geometry, CAM Operation settings and the Post Definition File.

Commonly referred to as the “POST“, this is the final-formation of code, that guides the CNC Equipment based on the previously prepared CAD & CAM settings defined by the user.



Post Definition Files

To create a POST, you will need a POST DEFINITION file. The following POST DEFINITION files are unique to IDeATe CNC Equipment, and should not be used for any other CNC Equipment.

Post Definition File : Standard, Inches

Post Definition File : Metric, Millimeters



1. POST: Download
Download & save the Post Definition file. Make note of where the file is saved.
2. POST: File Location

From the Machining Operations Browser, the Post Definition File can be adjusted by double-clicking one of the following:

1. POST: Located as the second option down, from the PROGRAM tab, directly below the MACHINE option, int the MACHINE SETUP bar.

2. POST – XXXX: Located as the second option down, from the MACHINING JOB Tree, directly below MACHINE – 3-AXIS & above STOCK – NONE.

3. POST: Select
A new window titled SET POST-PROCESSOR OPTIONS will appear.

1. FOLDER: Begin by browsing to the folder, where the recently downloaded Post Definition file is located.

2. CURRENT POST PROCESSOR: IF there is more than one Post Definition file in the previously selected folder location; select the drop-down arrow to select the correct Post Processor.

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Introduction Wed, 22 Feb 2017 16:49:18 +0000

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Feeds & Speeds Sun, 01 Jan 2017 15:57:35 +0000

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