
Week of March 29 (#9)

So, this week we go into a highly practical detour from our NFT / Blockchain adventures. Our class will begin with an explanation of how our Rabbit Hole due date / presentations / feedback loops will run on April 12 and see if there are any overarching questions.  (REMINDER: NO CLASS APRIL 5) Then we […]


Week 7 AI: Machine Learning, Algorithms and Web/Data Scraping

Monday we will review the 3 major forms of Artificial Intelligence, discuss algorithms, web / data scraping and machine learning (not always linked) and review our hands on that is due next week (as is the Review / Analysis assignment if you didn’t turn it in on the 8th or any day prior). We will […]


March 8: AI, Robots, Chatbots, oh my!

This week we move from AI and artistic creation to Artificial Intelligence’s most obvious form:  robots and their digital friends “bots” (chat bots etc). In fact, the next Hands On focuses on chatbots as a fun activity.  Your first ‘larger’ assignment is due the 8th (or 23rd) as well.  The review assignment is designed to […]