Today’s Class Agenda for Mon., April 27
Assignment, due April 29:
Assignment, due April 15:
Hand-Stitching Tutorials:
- Embroidery Stitches Handout
- Hand-Stitching and Embroidery tutorials (under Resources & Tutorials)
Proposal Deposit:
- Google Drive folder for all Designs for Community Care proposals and supporting documents, due Wed.. April 1.
Zoom Office Hours:
- Olivia – Fridays 10:30AM-12:30PM (and by appt.)
- Miranda – Sundays 12:00-2:00PM
Zoom Access
Use your CMU login to view the Inflatables Course zoom information.
Revised Schedule
Check out the newly proposed schedule and assignments for our class here
Office Hours Poll
Olivia’s Office Hours over Zoom: Fridays, 10:30am-12:30pm
Miranda’s Office Hours: Sundays 12pm-2pm
Inflatables Remote Learning Feedback Form – 3/15/20
As we move to hold the Inflatables course online, I could use some information from you, students, to help me make decisions about how we move forward. Please fill out this survey to give me your feedback by 11:59PM EST on Monday, March 16: