Protector/ Companion- Dayoung Chung
For this protector/ companion assignment, the first idea I thought of was combining the camel’s hump and fish’s body since they live in a completely different environment (desert and river). I made some rough sketches before getting into the actual thing, but I disliked how it looked with these two animals combined. The camels humps look similar to fish’s fins so it just looked like a regular fish. So what I ended up doing was making a hybrid of plankton, fish, and flamingo. These three combination makes a food chain: plankton-> fish -> flamingo. And I thought there is a fascinating relationship between them. They all have their own qualities and they eat each one another in order to survive. This hybrid would help all three of them to survive together and not harm each other. I kept the fish’s body (w/ tail fin), flamingo’s head and wings, and used the colorful beads to describe the plankton. The part where I connected the fish’s mouth to the flamingo’s head looks like the fish is swallowing the flamingo which is the opposite of the food chain. Throughout the process, I learned how to use right fabrics with different thickness/ smoothness to create different level of detail. I believe that the outcome is pretty successful because it doesn’t look very weird and looks like an animal that already exists.