Inflatable 1

For the first inflatable, I decided to improvise by cutting up the bags in random unorganized ways, thinking that I would be able to get unique geometrical properties through this methodology. While I was correct, the inflatable had many issues since it did not easily inflate due to the holes and weak connections between the strips.
Inflatable 2

For the second iteration, the fix I made was to be a lot more mindful of the geometry I was using and pay attention to how they would connect. I cut out more rectangular strips to be able to attach the pieces so that there wouldn’t be many holes. I used the tape to connect the pieces together and allowed the form to arise naturally with the alternating color schemes of black and white.
Inflatable 3

The final iteration of the improvisational inflatables was the one that was the most well-built. I restrained myself to create strips that would allow me to create strong seams with the tape. I accommodated for seam allowance and this resulted in a final piece with no holes and inflated the best out of them all. I also played around with attached scrap strips onto the “head” of the column in an effort to create more dynamic characteristics of the simple cylinder.