
The practical lab exercises for this course are drawn from the technical exercises for the Fall Introduction to Physical Computing course. We will also refer to the topic area guides as a reference for basic theory.

Arduino IDE and Programming

Elementary Electronics

Arduino with Electronics

  • Read Switch Input. Read a switch input as a binary digital value.
  • Sensor-Driven LEDs. Control LED brightness using sensor data.
  • Servo Sweep. Drive a servo motor along simple trajectories.
  • Unipolar Drivers. Driving solenoids, relays, large lamps, and unidirectional DC motors.
  • Multi-channel Driver. Generate sound and vibration using a power driver.
  • Bipolar H-Bridge Drivers. Driving DC motors in both directions.

Signals and Time

  • Event Loop Programming. Structuring software as event-loop time-slicing for executing multiple simultaneous tasks.
  • Music Sequencer. Demonstration of a state-machine interpretation of performance data with musical audio output.