LO: Kinetic Sculpture

Work title: Circe [Kinetic Wind Sculpture in Stainless Steel]

Designer: Anthony Howe

Video Link: https://www.howeart.net/circe

I am really fascinated by this project because Howe has endowed a new form of sculpture that is not a static artwork. The patterning of these sculptures also reminds me of parametric architecture, which is often created by Grasshopper (a 3D modeling program). Using specialized software that can program each component of the sculpture, Howe is able to generate the motion of steel plates through the wind. Then, the wind will allow the statue to perform based on its pre-designed structure. I believe that one of the artist’s responsibilities is to let the work speak for themselves, whether through interaction with nature or through computational control by us. Regarding the software, I suppose the author created his own scripts because every work in this series is unique in its form and motion, as well as the “wind” determinator, in this case, will require real-time data to implement the design in real life. 

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