Project 09: Computational Portrait

I created my self-portrait using different symbols that are linked to the pixel colors on the image. When the mouse is pressed, the shapes are drawn to create the image.

//amy hu
//section d

var img;
var smallPoint, largePoint;
var symbols = ["❀", "❋", "✯"]

function preload() {
    img = loadImage('');

function setup() {
    // smallPoint = 5;
    // largePoint = 20;

function draw() {
    //mouse location determines point size
    var pointillize = map(mouseX, 0, width, smallPoint, largePoint);

    //picks random x y value
    var x = floor(random(img.width));
    var y = floor(random(img.height));

    //gets pixel color form a xy value
    var pix = img.get(mouseX, mouseY);

    //fills pixel color
    fill(pix, 128);
    ellipse(x, y, pointillize, pointillize);

    //draws symbols when mouse is pressed 
        text(random(symbols), mouseX, mouseY);

Looking Outwards-11

I read “How Artists Can Bridge the Digital Divide and Reimagine Humanity“, and the societal issue that was addressed was access and affordability of information and communication technologies (ICT). The article discussed the problem in filling the digital divide known as the “production gap” and how the majority of user-generated content is built from a small sector of ‘elites’. This highlights the importance of digital collaboration with digital artists through transdisciplinary educational initiative can become the solution to bringing these multiple divides.

I liked how the writer showcased numerous artist-led experiments in order to give a visual representation of these unique creators. For instance, I thought Victoria Vesna‘s hacked gaming technology to show the destructive power of noise pollution across oceans was a great example of STEAM artists utilizing their resources and knowledge to foster both a positive and sharable attitude for using digital media. Overall, I enjoyed educating myself on the significance of creating a sustainable and equitable digital society.

‘NOISE AQUARIUM’ by Victoria Vesna

Srauch – Project 11 – Scrolling Landscape

My code shows a scrolling New Mexico landscape, with sagebrush in the foreground, sage-covered land stretching to the mountains in the middleground, and a mountain range in the background.

//Sam Rauch, section B,, project
//this code creates a randomly generated scrolling new mexico landscape with sagebrush
//in the foreground, distant bushes in the middleground, and mountains in the background.
//A late afternoon moon hangs low in the sky.

//arrays for objects
var sageArray = [];
var mountainArray = [];
var backbushes = [];

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 200);
    text("p5.js vers 0.9.0 test.", 10, 15);

    //fill sage array with random sagebrush
    var initsageY = random(30, 40);
    for (var i = 0; i<20; i++){
        sageArray.push(newSage(initsageY, random(160, 190)));
        initsageY += random(20, 40);

    //fill mountain array with random starter mountains
    var initmountX = random(0,40);
    for (var i = 0; i < 20; i ++){
        var mont = makeMountain(initmountX, random(70, 90), random(40, 60));
        initmountX += random(30, 40);

    //fill backbushes array with random starter bushes
    var initBushX = random(0,10);
    for (var i = 0; i<100; i++){
        backbushes.push(newBush(initBushX, random(100, 150)));
        initBushX += random(0, 10);

function draw() {
    background(129, 173, 223);

    //draw moon
    var moonfill = color(235, 243, 247, 200);
    ellipse(300, 50, 20, 20);

    //draw middleground
    fill(111, 158, 148);
    rect(0, 100, 400, 100);

    //draw mountains, push in new mountains on right as they go off screen to left
    for (var i = 0; i < mountainArray.length; i++){
        mountainArray[i].peakX -= 0.25;

        if (mountainArray[i].peakX <= -70){
            mountainArray.push(makeMountain(random(440, 460), random(60, 90), random(40, 60)));

    //draw backbushes, push in new ones as go off screen
    for (var i = 0; i < backbushes.length; i++){
        backbushes[i].x -= 0.5;

        if (backbushes[i].x <= -10){
            backbushes.push(newBush(random(402, 420), random(100, 150)));

    //draw foreground
    fill(156, 127, 70);
    rect(0, 150, 400, 50);

    //draw sagebrush in front

    for (var i = 0; i < sageArray.length; i++){
    //draw each sagebrush shadow; in seperate loop so it will always draw before
    //(thus underneath) the sagebrush
        fill(117, 98, 56);
        ellipse(sageArray[i].x, sageArray[i].y, 20, 8);

    for (var i = 0; i < sageArray.length; i++){
        sageArray[i].x -= 2; //move each sagebrush along to left
        sageArray[i].draw(); //draw each sagebush

    if (sageArray[0].x < -10){ //if sagebrush is off the canvas, shift and push in a new one
        sageArray.push(newSage(random(410, 430), random(160, 190)));


//objects for sagebrush, mountain, and backbush

function newSage(xpos,ypos){
    var sage = {x: xpos, y:ypos, draw:drawSagebrush};
    return sage;

function drawSagebrush(){
    stroke(66, 46, 23);
    var bushstart = this.x-10;
    for (var i = 0; i<8; i++){
        bushstart += 3;
    stroke(66, 110, 90);
    fill(93, 135, 111);
    ellipse(this.x-8, this.y-15, 7, 7);
    ellipse(this.x+8, this.y-15, 7, 7);
    ellipse(this.x-5, this.y-17, 8, 8);
    ellipse(this.x+5, this.y-17, 8, 8);
    ellipse(this.x,this.y-18, 10, 10);

function makeMountain(x, y, wide){
    var mountain = {peakX: x, peakY: y, base:wide, draw: drawMountain};
    return mountain;

function drawMountain(){
    fill(96, 129, 181);
    vertex(this.peakX, this.peakY);
    vertex(this.peakX-this.base, 100);
    vertex(this.peakX+this.base, 100);

function newBush(xpos,ypos){
    var bush = {x: xpos, y:ypos, draw: drawBush};
    return bush;

function drawBush(){
    stroke(106, 135, 124);
    point(this.x, this.y);

Looking Outwards

Title: 6 Art Projects Prying The Lid Off Online Privacy

dvargas David Vargas

The artists printed out the downloaded profiles the collected and turned them into a wallpaper covering every surface of a room.

If anyone can use our photos to their own nefarious ends, how much are we sacrificing in personal value of our identity?

The vice article I read highlights a number of art exhibits that
deal with the question of privacy in the digital age. The artists
challenge the idea of relinquishing our data so easily to companies like
apple or facebook. One of the art exhibits was fbfaces where
the artist combed the internet for facebook profiles with a profile photo, name,
and other identifiers, downloaded the profiles and created a wallpaper with the data.
Each pixel of the wallpaper representing someone. This piece makes it clear
just how open our information is to be used by absolutely anyone for any reason.
The installation begs the question “If anyone can use our photos to their own nefarious ends, how much are we sacrificing in personal value of our identity?”

Another installation is “A charge for privacy”. This installtion is a power station
that charges your phone however it in exchange gets access to your phones saved photos after agreeing
to the ‘terms and service’ In this installtion the taking of your data is treated as a transaction just
as it is in real life. The photos are then legally owned by the gallery and are projected to be viewed
at the gallery for all to see. The installation lays bear the reality of digital privacy or the lack of it.

Does AI think like a (white) man? By Anna Grubauer, 2020

Anna Grubauer writes about a series of artists and activists that have faced prejudices or noticed prejudices made from Artificial Intelligence. She writes that, as AI becomes more and more common, it is important for us to be aware of the shortcomings and even harms of this system. For example, Joy Buolamwini and Timnit Gebru investigated AI face recognition and found that the error rate for this system is significantly higher among women, and even higher among women with darker skin. This is harmful as face recognition is often used in medical fields to detect skin cancers, so if it is not accurate for a certain group of people, it puts them at risk. In addition, Mary Flanagan pointed out more discrimination in her project “[help me know the truth]”. She found that AI often has stereotypes based on race and will label “leaders” as those with more western features. The good news is that there are many up and coming feminist computer programmers working to get rid of this gap in research. One of these names is Caroline Siders, who has a website called Feminist Data Set which is a multi year art project that combines resources for a collection of feminist data.

Blog – 11

I read the article “Women in Media Arts: Does AI think like a (white) man?” by Anna Grubenar. The societal issue that was discussed was the absence of diversity in supposedly objective algorithms, which produces biased data sets. These biased sets are fueled by not only the underrepresentation of women in tech but also the lack of minorities in the tech field. Furthermore, discrimination and racist/sexist tendencies are common in AI algorithms. For instance, AI facial recognition algorithms tend to make many more mistakes when analyzing women, and even more mistakes when analyzing women of color. The article also gave many pieces of artwork that were created to encourage diversity and inclusivity in tech such as “Gender Shades”, “Help me know the truth”, “Feminist Data Set”, and “Women Reclaiming AI”.

Bhaboo’s Looking Outwards – Week 11

For this weeks looking outwards, I really enjoyed looking into the societal impacts that digital art has has on our world. It was interesting to see that there are so many possible issues that can arise when it comes to digital art. I decided to look into NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, and how copyright affects them. We all hear about copyright all around us, especially with the rise of brands and products that want to differentiate themselves. However, I didn’t really know that there were copyright implications with NFT’s. Since NFT’s are based around artwork, it’s essential to hold rights to the art. It was interesting to see how auction sites that host NFT’s are starting to create “DMCA” processes for removing these unauthorized NFT’s. I’m glad to see that there are processes in place to protect people’s hard work.


Societal Impacts of Digital Art

Melian Solly wrote an article about how ImageNet Roulette, an AI tool created by Trevor Paglen, is biased when it comes to how it categorizes people. When a white person uploads a picture of themselves it talks about an occupation or a characteristic. However when other races upload their picture it stereotypes them. This is probably due to the data that was used while creating the program. There was most likely more data sampling of white people, when it comes to other races the creator’s bias might have impacted the data or they might not have created a diverse data set. This shows how important it is to pick good and diverse data samples and to keep in mind the wide range of people that would be using the program. Even though a programmer might be designing for themselves when creating the app, at some point in the process it is important to step back and consider the users as well. The data is just showing a summary of what developers put into categorizing people, and because of that the developers biases leak into the program.

Mimi Ọnụọha – privacy and data

Us, Aggregated (2017)

Mimi Ọnụọha is a visual artist whose work critiques how tech companies’ unprecedented access to data has shaped the information we often blindly accept as complete and holistic. In Us, Aggregated, Ọnụọha takes her own family photos and reverse image-searches them, then compiles the resulting photos into a gallery. While we see image searches so commonly when even just looking through similar google images, Ọnụọha brings attention to the differences between the images and the diversity of people lumped together by an AI algorithm. She explores the power imbalances perpetuated by technology and seeks to de-normalize the “projected realities” we have been conditioned to perceive as natural. 

The Library of Missing Datasets (2016)

The Library of Missing Datasets is a physical repository (both in a file cabinet and on GitHub) that calls attention to the things we do not have quantified, but perhaps should in a world where so much is collected. Ọnụọha calls our attention to issues of the privacy of our information as well as the privacy of data that has either been not collected or intentionally hidden from the public.

Project 11

The most challenging part of this project is figuring out how to construct the different objects. Objects have to appear and disappear on the screen at a constant rate. For my animation, I drew a bunch of bunnies racing and there’s grass, trees, and the sun in the background.

//Jenny Wang
//Section B
//Project 11

var img;

var frameCount = 0;

var treeShow = [];
var grassShow = [];
var bunnyShow = [];

var tree;
var grass;
var bunny;

//preload sun image
function preload(){
    img = loadImage("")

function setup() {
    createCanvas(475, 300);

    //setup tree
    for(var t = 0; t < 80; t++) {
        tree = makeTree(t*10, 170);

    //setup grass
    for(var g = 0; g<30; g++) {
        grass = makeGrass(g*20, 200);

    //setup car
    for(var h = 0; h < 5; h++) {
        bunny = makeBunny(0, round(random(240, 260)), random(2,3));


function draw() {

    //draw the sun

    //draw tree

    //draw fence

    //draw grass

    //draw bunny

function makeBunny(bx, by, forward) {
    var bunny = {x: bx, y:by,
        r: random(100,255),
        g: random(100,255),
        b: random(100,255),
        move: bunnyMove,
        draw: drawBunny 
    return bunny;

function drawBunny() {
    fill(this.r, this.g, this.b);

    ellipse(this.x+5, this.y, 4, 4);
    ellipse(this.x-5, this.y, 4, 4);


function updateBunny() {
    for(var i = 0; i < bunnyShow.length; i++) {

function bunnyMove() {
    this.x += this.speed;

function removeBunny() {
    var bunnyKeep = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < bunnyShow.length; i++){
        if (bunnyShow[i].x < width) {
    bunnyShow = bunnyKeep; // remember the showing cars


function addBunny() {
    frameCount +=1;
    if (frameCount % 100== 0){
        bunnyShow.push(makeBunny(0, round(random(240, 260)), random(2,4)));


function makeGrass(gx, gy) {
    var grass = {x:gx, y:gy, 
        width:random(40, 70), 
        height:random(100, 300), 
        r:random(70,200), g:random(115,200), b: random(20, 100),
        speed: -0.5,
        move: grassMove,
        draw: drawGrass
    return grass;

function drawGrass() {
    fill(this.r, this.g, this.b);
    rect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);

function updateGrass() {
    for(var g = 0; g < grassShow.length; g++) {

function grassMove() {
    this.x += this.speed;

function removeGrass() {
    var grassKeep = [];
    for (var g = 0; g < grassShow.length; g++){
        if (grassShow[g].x + width > 0) {
    grassShow = grassKeep; 

function addGrass() {
    frameCount +=1;
    if (frameCount % 25 == 0){


function updateTree() {
    for(var t =0; t < treeShow.length; t++){


function removeTree(){
    var treeKeep = [];
    for (var t = 0; t < treeShow.length; t++){
        if (treeShow[t].x +80 > 0) {
    treeShow = treeKeep; 

function addTree() {
    frameCount +=1;
    if (frameCount % 25 == 0){

function makeTree(tx, ty) {
    var tree = {x:tx, y:ty, 
        width:random(80, 150),  
        r:0, g:random(90,200), b: random(10, 20),
        speed: -1,
        move: treeMove,
        draw: drawtree
    return tree;


function drawtree() {
    fill(this.r, this.g, this.b);
    ellipse(this.x, this.y, this.width);

function treeMove() {
    this.x += this.speed;