

The most attractive aspects of these works are the vivid variety of colors and how each tone compliments each other, forming patterns that make me think of decorative art. Once painters use to even stick gold to create the golden yellow they were it’s rather interesting how digitally colors are presented compared to hand-worked arts.

Lia: Summer

This specific work from her installation Summer is composed of colors from imagery of summer; as she describe as  blue sea, sand dunes, striped parasols and beach chairs. Using patterns that utilizes stripes, shapes that are made of patches and blocks of colors. The image is a capture of a continuous video that does not repeat but continues to create new random images.

Lia also has 3d installations that bring out code and algorithms into physical products- it is a real ting in real life. I know that the works are rated to minimalist qualities and she codes for her installations or images. The way she cooperates the freeness and fluid characteristic of art works – for example paintings or sketches- along with the structured characteristic of coding seems to bridge between traditional mediums and Digital algorithms.

Lia: Silver Ratio

Additionally, adding sound elements is another dimension to add on art works. It brings in the sensory sound helping to create a mode, reenforcing the impact of an art piece. It isn’t necessarily music of her own creation but is a collaborative act; in this specific work, sound from Damian Stewart.