Looking Outwards 02

The piece of work I selected is Inhotim by the computational architect Michael Hansmeyer, https://www.michael-hansmeyer.com/inhotim. I selected this piece because I found the way the artist created a dialogue between the sculptures to be quite beautiful and compelling. I also have had some experience with computational design in architecture so I really enjoy getting to see its application in the world outside of class. From what I know it seems like the artist could have used Python in the Rhino plug-in Grasshopper to create the work since it seems like he manipulated the mesh surface in rhino to create the push pull illusion. It seems like the artist’s sensibility manifested in their algorithm in the way that grasshopper is really about manipulating the earth and a given terrain, and that’s what Inhotim does. It uses nature as a base, but its intervention could not exist without an algorithm.

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