Looking Outwards-03

The project I choose is “Rocailles” by Benjamin Dillenburger. It’s a digital fabrication model made by 3D printing. The general shape is a curvature dynamic surface, and by bending and delicate arrangement, the model presents a circular flower shape. I’m attracted by the flower shape, the curve flows have a sense of fluidity and coherence, and the trend of the shape leads the audience’s eye to the hole, trying to explore more things about the project.
The advanced production methods highly increase the development of these high-resolution forms, specifically in this project, spaces between every curve are filled with some X shape. I think the algorithm and fabrication parameters are more integrated with the initial design stage, and then the database served as an information exchange platform.
The way they use digital fabrication explores a new paradigm in architecture, also in a more open manner, which is a good inspiration for future building development.

and here is a link: https://benjamin-dillenburger.com/rocaille/

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