week 4 blog


One of the people listed in the suggestions was Laetitia Sonami. From a brief glance at her website it seemed like she used motion and other changing factors to produce music. I looked her up on Spotify and found her music kind of haunting but also intriguing. Usually I go through a couple of the people on the list before deciding to commit to one and research their work but I immediately was interested in her work. One of her main projects is something called lady’s glove. Originally it started as a simple mockup only using a kitchen glove and some wires and sensors but overtime Sonami has edited and improved the quality both visually and functionally. The basics are that the glove has sensors on the fingers that detect movement and a magnet which is used to ground/track the movement. These movements are then translated which allows then the sound to change and match movements. The glove became part of the performance, and instrument used to change the feeling of the music while also adding to the performative and mystical aspects that are woven into the style of music. 

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