Looking Outwards 04

I admire this project as the system of connecting the alternating environment with the sound to create an immersive experience for the visitors. By having different sensors and converting the lighting variation and day-night cycle to usable data, it creates a series of changes to the visitors’ visual and acoustic movement. For the algorithms, they first used sensors or detectors to track the changes in lighting variation. Then, the 500 artificial neurons that are created will respond to the data converted by the detectors. This cycle continues so that the real-time data will be analyzed to create an immersive experience. The artificial neurons, they are running on the Attiny 85 with Arduino. In addition, since there are also LED lights inside, and they are placed in a hexagon shape, this kind of placement creates a sense of conflict with the continuously changing visual and acoustic movement. The overall experience will create a world that contains order and chaos. Therefore, I think it aims to create an immersive experience for the visitors.

Link: https://www.creativeapplications.net/environment/floating-codes-the-spatial-topology-of-an-artificial-neural-network/

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