Looking Outwards-05

The piece of work I selected is “Cellular Forms” by Andy Lomas. The piece of work depicts a simple example of morphogenesis. In the video, the form morphs and changes and goes through a series of evolutions. Each time the form undergoes a change it shakes and undulates and then almost “settles.” I picked this piece because I was intrigued by how the artist represents something quite scientific like cell morphogenesis, and makes it feel very peaceful and elegant. I was unable to find any information about the specific algorithm Lomas used but it seems like he used some kind of additive algorithm and based all of his additions on a spherical boundary surface and all of the spheres which made up the larger cell object divided by an even amount within that boundary surface. In my opinion, it seems like Lomas took into account the overall action of the cell’s division but chose to remove the human aspect of it in order to make it feel more like art.

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