Looking Outwards – 05

I don’t know if this counts as video game graphics as it’s related but not used for game purposes. The tool I’ll be looking at is an AI called Nokemon, this is an AI crated using a database of 3D Pokemon models, and tries generating a new 3D Pokemon model using filters such as Pokemon typings, the main color of the Pokemon, and if it is a rare legendary or not. I appreciate this as while I do enjoy Pokemon, I think it more comments on the sophistication of creating non-human characters. As Pokemon can be designed from an object, animal, etc, watching AI try to identify these human-designers inspirations and make their it’s own Pokemon based off those inspirations. I’m supposing that the AI uses the same engine 3D modelers use, and analyzes how each shape, color, and property of each model is related to each other, and tries to create something similar. As you can see from using the tool, the AI is’t that great at creating Pokemon, they seem heavily uninspired and nonsensical, but watching what elements the AI pulls from pre-existing models is quite interesting.


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