Looking Outward – 06 – aarnavp

//Aarnav Patel
//Section D
//Looking Outwards

One random computational graphics project that really impressed me is the work of Anders Hoff in the piece A Tangle of Webs. While there is definitely the employment of certain algorithms, the start of the piece is created from scattering random vertices around the canvas. The preceding formula then uses a recursive method to track intersections of lines connecting these vertices, ultimately resulting in the organic web-like structure. The resulting form is also inspired by elastic bands, as they model certain interactions between adjacent nodes to create the elastic materiality effect.

What I especially appreciate about this piece is how natural the integration with technology and graphics was undertaken. The potential for this type of piece is even noted for how it can be applied in a 3D sphere. It really connects with some of the projects we do in class, as we can somehow create this generalized algorithms from a basis of random points, alluding to the mathematical concepts underlying randomness.


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