looking-outwards 06

Clare Katyal

I am inspired by the randomness in the piece 4900 Colours: Version II by Gerhard Richter. Richter used a computer program to randomly assign a color to each 5×5 square, which is then put together with other squares in forty-nine 10×10 displays. The colors were randomly selected from a palette of 25 colors. This piece is very interesting because it was created in order to demonstrate the joy of looking at objects that at first glance, do not have any meaning other than being squares. And yet, the random colors and the patterns created by randomness can provoke deeper thought from viewers and inspire them to question how often colors appear randomly together. The arrangement of the panels was not done randomly, but by the artist. This makes one wonder if art is ever truly random, or if there is always a slight oversight or bias from the artist creating the art. 


Gerhard Richter, 2007

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