Looking Outwards-08

The artist I choose is Helena Sarin, a visual artist and software engineer. She is not only skilled with computing and software design, but also moonlighted in applied arts like fashion design. Her core art work with GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks), which provides her probability to create and try new model and new data, also giving unpredictability inspirations.

Her artwork has am interesting art philosophy, that seeing the world in a different way. The research GAN in her project firstly record the object without any emotional stuff, than the art GAN get rid of useless details in the recording and guide people to the essence by training data. And algorithm complexity, data ownership and idea all play important roles in her process of creating art.

The aesthetic value of GAN art is also need to be notice. Her work usually contains collaging different things together, fracturing images and recombining elements through algorithms to form new scene structure.

Link to her own website: https://aiartists.org/helena-sarin

Link to her speech: https://vimeo.com/354276365

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