Looking Outwards 08

Their name is Dr. Lucianne Walkowicz, they are an astronomer at the Adler Planetarium in Chicago and the co founder of the JustSpace Alliance, an organization focused on making learning about, studying, and the exploration of space a more equitable and “just” field.

Dr. Walkowicz is also an artist, and they have a pretty large range of art styles and media. I admire in particular the work which connects with their astronomical background, as when I was little I was obsessed with the stars and wanted desperately to know about them, the people who might live around them, and what their stories might be. That another artist has pondered these questions from the perspective of actual astrophysics is really cool!

They often use humor and comedy in their presentations, keeping everything relatively lighthearted even when talking about difficult or serious subjects. It helps maintain their flow and character.

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