Vera-Maria Glahn

Hannah Wyatt

Vera-Maria Glahn’s work “OPPO Unseen X” is compelling to me in that it evokes emotion through a non-traditional medium of digital texturing art. Each aspect of the campaign addresses a question:

UNSEEN SKY:What if the rays of light followed curves?

UNSEEN EARTH:What if we could zoom into Earth’s abundance of minerals?

UNSEEN SEA: What if we could capture the infinite power of flowing water?

“Unseen Sky”

Through analyzing varying layers of texture, and creating 3D interactive environments, Glahn hopes to achieve goals of mindfulness and self-reflection. I enjoy Glahn’s combination of organic patterns in nature with computer-generated designs, and personally, I believe pieces were very calming/introspective. Vera-Maria Glahn currently resides in Germany, employed as managing director/founding partner of FIELD.SYSTEMS, a studio for digital arts and future aesthetics. She primarily focuses on immersive motion graphic art with a cross-media approach, in the metaverse, interactive displays, and collaborating with brands such as Adidas and Ikea.

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