anabelle’s blog 09

One work I find inspiring is Claudia Hart’s The Flower Matrix. Hart is one of the pioneers from the 80s XR emergence in art. She received her education in at and architecture from NYU and Columbia and now teaches as a professor at the Chicago Institute of Art. I think it’s particularly cool how she combines physical spaces with the VR space to create a magical, surreal space that raises the question on what is “natural” and “real.” The entire exhibit is a small, isolated room covered in matrices and flashing images, which effectively convey the “surreal” effect she wants. The fact that there is also a sound element to the exhibition just makes it more complex and cooler. The multiple elements she balances in this work reminds me of the object arrays we’ve been learning about in lecture, where the VR, physical, and audio are all objects in the flower matrix array.

One of the flashing images that covers the walls of the exhibits:

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