Ariel Bernhard, Bhavesh Patel, Elisa Pinkowitz, Rong Yuan, Sajal Duppatla, and Steven Wu
It’s About Time
Our show is entitled “It’s About Time”. It is a journey through time focusing on the music of each era from the 1920s to the 2020s, featuring protest music. The eras we are exploring are the Early 20th Century (1920s-30s), Rock and Roll (1940s-50s), Counter Culture and Protest (1960s-70s), Late 20th Century (1980s-90s), Modern Day (2000- Early 2020s). It then provides us a glimpse into what the future could hold. Our potential futures depend on if we follow a path of inaction or if we take control of the future of our world. We selected the title “It’s About Time” as a literal meaning of our exploration of the decades, but it has a dual meaning that it is about time for us to learn from the past. It is about time for us to step up and carve way for a better future for all.