At the School, I observed the 5’s/ Kindergarten.  One of the most striking things was the way the kids acted during Story Time.  The teacher was reading a book about Native American chiefs and nature gods to the kids.  During the story, the kids were the most attentive during times the teacher started to make sounds and change her voice drastically with the characters, and the kids immediately stood upright.  What was interesting though was that the 5’s seemed to be start thinking more practical and less imaginative, as some kids would say more practical answers in response to questions (ex. what was powering the sky and creating light- the sky god as many kids said, but some said a lightbulb).  Another interesting thing was the emphasis the kids seemed to still have on the Initiative phase and “MY” idea/thoughts.  The kids would repeatedly say “I think,  I did, My thing, etc.”.  THey seem to be much more caring of their own thoughts and opinions and beliefs and expressing themselves (maybe more collaboration potentially?)