October 2017 Page 2 of 8
Big Idea: To use the inherent tropes of origami to create dynamic creatures with differing personalities that spark curiosity. It fits well into the museum’s movement based theme….
Our visit to the Children’s School shone a full light on several aspects of learning and exploration that I had glimpsed at the Children’s Museum but not fully…
In my time at the Children’s School, I began to see several patterns in the ways the children played and exercised creativity, curiosity and discovery. A large consistency…
During our visit to the Children’s School, I observed a group of 4-year-olds in the workshop. They were given thin strips of wood and hand drills and tasked…
It was striking seeing the children play and interact at the Children’s School this past Wednesday. A particular interaction I saw was children putting together their blocks and…
At The Children’s School I observed a group of 3 year olds engaging in various learning activities in the classroom. Compared to the older children, it seemed difficult…
There were multiple elements and interactions that I found interesting among the children, most prominently in how physical interaction and involvement in an activity seemed to increase…
While we were at the children’s school, I was able to observe the kids participating in activities in the make shop. It was great to see kids as…