October 2017 Page 3 of 8

Children’s School Observations

From what I observed, the biggest things that sparked the children’s interest were asking them questions, and organized presentation of ideas. The children as a whole were most…

Children’s School Observations – Ophelie

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Children’s School Observation-Alessandra

Upon entering the school, I was immediately struck by the amount of colors on display and materials supplied in the school. The overall environment seemed to be overflowing…

Children’s School Obervation

When observing the kindergarten students I was very intrigued at how the teachers handled the student’s constant questions and statements. When reading a storybook to the class students…

Children’s School Observation: Kaushik

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Children’s School Observations – Warren

The observation took place at the Children’s School. We were observing students between the ages of 3 and 5. There were between 7 and 15 students per group….

Children’s School Observation

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Children’s School Observation – Ghalya

In the Kindergarten classroom, something that struck me was that when a student accomplishes something, they go up and flicker the light switch, which grabs everyone’s attention, then…

Children’s School Observations– Christina

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Children’s School Observation

At one point during the day a group of four-year old students had grouped together outside a sink with spray bottles and Lego bricks. It had started when…