Video of my design for Demo 1

Project Description

My main idea was to make a simple project that could rock a ball back and forth. I started with a sketch that included a panel on the rocker that the ball would hit and flip as it went back and forth.

Initial project idea with a flipping panel

However, the extra moving part seemed too complicated for my nonexistent fabrication skills, so I simplified it to be closer to the example project and just push the ball back and forth. I also made it a semicircle shape to make it easier to make on SolidWorks.

SolidWorks assembly for project

While making this new version, I intended for the rocker to bounce the superball back and forth and made it wide enough for the ball. However, since the superball is bouncy, it bounced around when the rocker moved and didn’t follow the rhythm of the servo’s movements. So, the last change I made was swapping out the superball for the ball bearing.

Photo of the final rocker


Servo baby;

void setup()

void loop()
