During the past week we continued to work on the code of the project. This next phase included setting up mqtt. We added code to connect the eye tracking software to the ideate mqtt server. The code now calculates a distance between the actual vs expected position of the pupil. This data should ideally be sent to the arduino, which parses the float and converts it into a servo angle for movement. We also included the arduino bridge program to send the mqtt messages to the arduino itself. The missing component for the code are to get the python code to send the messages to the mqtt server (received by the bridge) and then updating the arduino code to change the servo angles. The code can be found here: https://github.com/mdunaevs/Eye_Tracking

Connecting eye tracking software to mqtt server

Computing distance and publishing message to broker

In the process of creating the second prototype, we realized that we needed to determine the size of the eyes. The easiest way to determine this was to create the artwork. Given the wood that we were given, we decided that the easiest solution would be to create the picture in dimensions of 15″ x 24″. This would also give us leftover wood to use in the shelves . We also realized that the eyes that we had created from the previous prototype were the optimal size for the artwork.

We hope to be able to cut the wooden structure and begin putting the pieces together for the following week.