
Our goal was to create the movement of a front kick that a human could produce. We started off getting a double pendulum in a Python Template to replicate the general motion of the dynamic movement.


If we could have done it better another time, we would have made the motion more realistic/natural. We attempted to do that with minimal PID Control by adjusting the double pendulum .py file where we adjusted the Dampening . We added keyframes that are specific to our motion but we did not figure out a way to increase the number of keyframes in the loop.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Prototype Python 3 script for the 16-375 double-pendulum control exercise."""

# Written in 2018-2019 by Garth Zeglin <garthz@cmu.edu&gt;

# To the extent possible under law, the author has dedicated all copyright
# and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain
# worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty.

# You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along with this software.
# If not, see <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/&gt;.

import math
import numpy as np

import rcp.doublependulum
from rcp.ex.dblpend import main

class PendulumController(rcp.doublependulum.DoublePendulumController):
    def __init__(self):

        # for this example, there are four fixed poses commanded a fixed intervals, expressed as a set of (q0, q1) pairs
        self.keyframes = np.zeros((4,2))
        self.last_frame = None

    def setup(self):
        self.write("""Keyframed position control demonstration.

Applies a sequence of joint targets to a position controller at fixed intervals.

The parameter sliders 0 and 1 control the 'shoulder' and 'elbow' angles for the first keyframe, 2 and 3 are the second keyframe, etc.


    def user_parameter_change(self, parameter, value):
        pose = parameter // 2
        joint = parameter % 2
        if pose <  len(self.keyframes):
            self.keyframes[pose][joint] = 2 * math.pi * (value - 0.5)
            self.write("Set pose %d joint %d to angle %f" % (pose, joint, self.keyframes[pose][joint]))

    def apply_configuration(self, config):
        self.keyframes[0,:] = [-1.42,-1.95]
        self.keyframes[1,:] = [2.5,-0.3]
        self.keyframes[2,:] = [0.625,-0.36]
        self.keyframes[3,:] = [-0.1,-0.07]

        # if 'keyframes' in config:
        #     for i in range(len(self.keyframes)):
        #         q0 = config['keyframes'].getfloat('keyframe-%d-q0' % i, fallback = 0.0)
        #         q1 = config['keyframes'].getfloat('keyframe-%d-q1' % i, fallback = 0.0)
        #         self.keyframes[i,:] = [q0, q1]
        # return

    def gather_configuration(self, config):
        if 'keyframes' not in config:
            config['keyframes'] = {}
        for i in range(len(self.keyframes)):
            config['keyframes']['keyframe-%d-q0' % i] = str(self.keyframes[i, 0])
            config['keyframes']['keyframe-%d-q1' % i] = str(self.keyframes[i, 1])

    def compute_control(self, t, dt, state, tau):
        """Method called from simulator to calculate the next step of applied torques.

        :param t: time in seconds since simulation began
        :param state: four element numpy array with joint positions ``q`` and joint velocities ``qd`` as ``[q0, q1, qd0, qd1]``, expressed in radians and radians/sec
        :param tau: two element numpy array to fill in with the joint torques to apply ``[tau0, tau1]``
        # select the current keyframe based on the time
        frame  = int(t // 1.5)
        if frame != self.last_frame:
            self.write("Starting frame %d" % frame)
        self.last_frame = frame

        # select the pose for the current keyframe, looping over the available poses
        pose = self.keyframes[frame % len(self.keyframes)]

        # create a target state by extending the pose to include velocity
        target = np.concatenate((pose, np.zeros(2)))

        # calculate position and velocity error as difference from reference state
        qerr = target - state

        # apply PD control to reach the pose (no integral term)
        tau[0] = (self.kp[0] * qerr[0]) + (self.kd[0] * qerr[2])
        tau[1] = (self.kp[1] * qerr[1]) + (self.kd[1] * qerr[3])


if _name_ == "_main_":
# Standard library modules.
import math, time, threading, queue, logging

# Third-party library modules.
import numpy as np

# set up logger for module
log = logging.getLogger(_file_)

class DoublePendulumController(object):
    """Prototype for a double-pendulum controller.  This class is typically subclassed to customize the control strategy and the subclass passed into the common application framework.

    :ivar initial_state: four-element numpy array used to initialize the simulator state: [q1, q2, qd1, qd2]
    :ivar kp: two-element numpy array with default proportional position gains 
    :ivar ki: two-element numpy array with default integral gains
    :ivar kd: two-element numpy array with default velocity damping gain
    def __init__(self):

        # delegate object to which debugging and status messages can be printed; it must implement write()
        self.console = None

        # fixed controller parameters
        self.initial_state = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        self.d_state       = np.array((1.0, 0.5*math.pi, 0.0, 0.0))
        self.kp      = np.array((16.0, 8.0))
        self.ki      = np.array((4.0, 2.0))
        self.kd      = np.array((10.0, 2.0))

    def connect_console(self, console):
        """Attach a console object to be used for debugging output.  The object needs to implement write()."""
        self.console = console
    def write(self, string):
        """Write a message to the debugging console.  If console is not available, writes to the log as an info message."""
        if self.console is not None:
    def setup(self):
        """Hook for final one-time object configuration.  This is called once prior to the start of the simulation.  The default implementation does nothing."""

    def user_parameter_change(self, parameter, value):
        """Hook for interactive parameter changes (e.g. GUI sliders).  The default implementation does nothing.

        :param parameter: integer index of parameter, starting with zero
        :param value: dimensionless parameter value, ranges from zero to one inclusive.
    def apply_configuration(self, config):
        """Hook for applying parameters saved in a configuration file. The default implementation does nothing.

        :param config: configparser object (which implements the mapping protocol)

    def gather_configuration(self, config):
        """Hook for saving parameters in a configuration file. The default implementation does nothing.

        :param config: configparser object (which implements the mapping protocol)
    def compute_control(self, t, dt, state, tau):
        """Method called from numerical pendulum simulation to calculate the next step of applied torques.  This is usually overridden in a subclass, but the default implementation applies a fixed-target PD position control.

        :param t: time in seconds since simulation began
        :param state: four element ndarray of joint positions q and joint velocities qd as [q1, q2, qd1, qd2], expressed in radians and radians/sec
        :param tau: two element ndarray to fill in with joint torques to apply
        # convenience variables to notate the state variables
        q1  = state[0]  # 'shoulder' angle in radians
        q2  = state[1]  # 'elbow' angle in radians
        qd1 = state[2]  # 'shoulder' velocity in radians/second
        qd2 = state[3]  # 'elbow' velocity in radians/second

        # calculate position and velocity error as difference from reference state
        qerr = self.d_state - state

        # apply PD control to reach the pose (no integral term)
        tau[0] = (self.kp[0] * qerr[0]) + (self.kd[0] * qerr[2])
        tau[1] = (self.kp[1] * qerr[1]) + (self.kd[1] * qerr[3])


class DoublePendulumSimulator(object):
    """Numerical dynamic simulation of a frictionless double pendulum.  It
    communicates with a user-supplied control object to compute applied joint

    def __init__(self):
        # the object used to calculate joint torques
        self.control = None

        # set default dynamics

        # configure transient state

    def connect_controller(self, controller):
        """Attach a controller object used to compute joint torques and set the initial state."""
        self.control = controller
    def reset(self):
        """Reset or initialize all simulator state variables."""
        self.t     = 0.0
        self.dt    = 0.001
        if self.control is not None:
            self.state = self.control.initial_state.copy()
            self.state = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        self.tau   = np.array([0.0, 0.0])
        self.dydt  = np.ndarray((4,))
    def set_default_dynamic_parameters(self):
        """Set the default dynamics coefficients defining the rigid-body model physics."""
        self.l1   = 1.0    # proximal link length, link1
        self.l2   = 1.0    # distal link length, link2
        self.lc1  = 0.5    # distance from proximal joint to link1 COM
        self.lc2  = 0.5    # distance from distal joint to link2 COM
        self.m1   = 1.0    # link1 mass
        self.m2   = 1.0    # link2 mass
        self.I1   = (self.m1 * self.l1**2) / 12  # link1 moment of inertia
        self.I2   = (self.m2 * self.l2**2) / 12  # link2 moment of inertia
        self.gravity  = -9.81

    def deriv(self):
        """Calculate the accelerations for a rigid body double-pendulum dynamics model.

        :returns: system derivative vector as a numpy ndarray
        q1  = self.state[0]
        q2  = self.state[1]
        qd1 = self.state[2]
        qd2 = self.state[3]
        LC1 = self.lc1
        LC2 = self.lc2
        L1 = self.l1
        M1 = self.m1
        M2 = self.m2

        d11 = M1*LC1*LC1  + M2*(L1*L1 + LC2*LC2 + 2*L1*LC2*math.cos(q2)) + self.I1 + self.I2
        d12 = M2*(LC2*LC2 + L1*LC2*math.cos(q2)) + self.I2
        d21 = d12
        d22 = M2*LC2*LC2  + self.I2

        h1 = -M2*L1*LC2*math.sin(q2)*qd2*qd2 - 2*M2*L1*LC2*math.sin(q2)*qd2*qd1
        h2 = M2*L1*LC2*math.sin(q2)*qd1*qd1

        phi1 = -M2*LC2*self.gravity*math.sin(q1+q2)  - (M1*LC1 + M2*L1) * self.gravity * math.sin(q1)
        phi2 = -M2*LC2*self.gravity*math.sin(q1+q2)

        # now solve the equations for qdd:
        #  d11 qdd1 + d12 qdd2 + h1 + phi1 = tau1
        #  d21 qdd1 + d22 qdd2 + h2 + phi2 = tau2

        rhs1 = self.tau[0] - h1 - phi1
        rhs2 = self.tau[1] - h2 - phi2

        # Apply Cramer's Rule to compute the accelerations using
        # determinants by solving D qdd = rhs.  First compute the
        # denominator as the determinant of D:
        denom = (d11 * d22) - (d21 * d12)

        # the derivative of the position is trivially the current velocity
        self.dydt[0] = qd1
        self.dydt[1] = qd2

        # the derivative of the velocity is the acceleration.
        # the numerator of qdd[n] is the determinant of the matrix in
        # which the nth column of D is replaced by RHS
        self.dydt[2] = ((rhs1 * d22 ) - (rhs2 * d12)) / denom
        self.dydt[3] = (( d11 * rhs2) - (d21  * rhs1)) / denom
        return self.dydt

    def timer_tick(self, delta_t):
        """Run the simulation for an interval.

        :param delta_t: length of interval in simulated time seconds
        while delta_t > 0:

            # calculate next control outputs
            self.control.compute_control(self.t, self.dt, self.state, self.tau)

            # calculate dynamics model
            qd = self.deriv()

            # Euler integration
            self.state = self.state + self.dt * qd
            delta_t -= self.dt
            self.t += self.dt
