• Disruption (12/8/2019) by sch1@andrew.cmu.edu - Spotlight Final Documentation This project began as an exploration of personifying robots. We thought of making this lamp that would both give and command attention from it’s viewers....
  • Facets – Final Documentation (12/6/2019) by yingh1@andrew.cmu.edu - Statement: Inspired by the experience of peer pressure, high standards and seemingly false perception of the outside world as young students, Facets is a shadow art installation that...
  • Spotlight Final Video (12/4/2019) by espektor@andrew.cmu.edu - Here is the YouTube Link:
  • RCP Final Documentation (11/23/2019) by yingh1@andrew.cmu.edu - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/14lPf7UxuvVKpQ8IwJeOoMo6Xo__cANbV?usp=sharing Footages are a bit raw but some segments are usable post production.
  • Commentary on ‘Spotlight’ (10/29/2019) by Garth Zeglin - The following comments are a response to the Spotlight conceptual statement. “…we want the culprit to feel like a deer in the headlights…” It seems like this feeling...
  • Project Concept Statement (10/29/2019) by yingh1@andrew.cmu.edu - As social beings, we are expected to act towards various social standards and norms each day, and when we try to conform to these expectations, we are constantly...
  • Project Conceptual Statement – Spotlight Team (10/29/2019) by bstern@andrew.cmu.edu - There is a central spotlight that is paying attention to the robots around the room that are putting on a show, and it pays attention by blasting light...
  • Building the Project- Sana (10/22/2019) by slakdawa@andrew.cmu.edu - For my ‘mela’ piece, I plan to set it up such that the robots create a path for the user to walk through, such that they can wander...
  • Project Test – Mingchi (10/22/2019) by mingchih@andrew.cmu.edu - For my project, I plan to do a robot dance piece, with one robot in the front and one robot being back light, such that it looks like...
  • Project Test- Jessica (10/22/2019) by jessicay@andrew.cmu.edu - I really liked Ying’s final project proposal, with the shadow of one robot influencing the actions of another. The inquiry being explored with that exhibit is if an...