For my project, I plan to do a robot dance piece, with one robot in the front and one robot being back light, such that it looks like that one robot is dancing with the shadow.

The possible artistic difficulty will be if the audience can get the idea that the robot is dancing with the shadow. Another question is that is it going to be a typical robot dance which is rigid, stiff, or is it going to be a smooth flow. The technical difficulty will be how to drive the motor such that it implements the movements.

The crucial steps are listed as follows:
1) Test the light, with different wooden pieces, and generate different size of the shadow, by moving closer or farther to the light. Choose an appropriate distance.
2) Come up with a theme of the dance or decide to be an improvisation.
3) Decides the shape of the robots.
4) Choreograph (‘code’).
5) Decorate so that the shape of the shadow can be even more dramatic.