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Spotlight Final Documentation This project began as an exploration of personifying robots. We thought of making this lamp that would both give and command attention from it’s viewers….

Facets – Final Documentation

Statement: Inspired by the experience of peer pressure, high standards and seemingly false perception of the outside world as young students, Facets is a shadow art installation that…

Spotlight Final Video

Here is the YouTube Link:

RCP Final Documentation Footages are a bit raw but some segments are usable post production.

Commentary on ‘Spotlight’

The following comments are a response to the Spotlight conceptual statement. “…we want the culprit to feel like a deer in the headlights…” It seems like this feeling…

Project Concept Statement

As social beings, we are expected to act towards various social standards and norms each day, and when we try to conform to these expectations, we are constantly…

Project Conceptual Statement – Spotlight Team

There is a central spotlight that is paying attention to the robots around the room that are putting on a show, and it pays attention by blasting light…

Building the Project- Sana

For my ‘mela’ piece, I plan to set it up such that the robots create a path for the user to walk through, such that they can wander…

Project Test – Mingchi

For my project, I plan to do a robot dance piece, with one robot in the front and one robot being back light, such that it looks like…

Project Test- Jessica

I really liked Ying’s final project proposal, with the shadow of one robot influencing the actions of another. The inquiry being explored with that exhibit is if an…