Introducing the Box of Positive Emotions

I would like to absorb the viewer in a robotic immersive experience. Imagine entering a room that overwhelms the senses (two of them!) with sharp, bright contrast of shadows on white walls and the intense singing of motors amplified to overwhelm all other noise.

We can construct walls out of white curtain and project robot shadows from outside of the room, making only the shadows visible. The walls are a perfect canvas for a thematic expression by the robots. I envision four walls that each represent a different positive emotion. e.g. (Happy, Excited, Laughing, Relaxed,Crying?,Free,Confident…) The viewer should be able to read the body language of the shadows to discern these emotions.

A few people may be let in at a time, and all robots are hidden from the viewers (outside and inside of the Box).

The intention of this piece is to create a calming atmosphere that is also interesting and unusual. Think of listening to music while watching that trippy thing in Gates (maybe on some drugs). That’s how this should feel.