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Project ideas – doris

Idea 1: Hop Simulator simulating hoppy urban animals using conventional robotics parts (a drive train and pulley system). viewer can touch the readymade stuff animal / pom pom…

Project Ideas – Karen

My first idea for for two robotic arms trying to put items in their area, and they have a constant back and forth of taking items out of…

Project Ideas – Janice

My first project idea is creating multiple small robot agents that has a spider shape. The general perception of robot to the public seems to be industrial robots….

Project Ideas – Matthew Wagner

Idea 1: Two robots trying to dance but are tied together: The robots would dance and be automated or controlled by two different human performers. At the start…

Project Ideas—Richard Zhou

Idea 1: Mousetrap type object with a running 2 dof mouse and a 3dof mousetrap. The mouse runs around and avoids the trap if moving too slowly and/or…

Project Ideas – Rebecca Kim

Project Ideas – Lauren Meyers

When generating ideas I focused on the idea of using randomness to my advantage with a robot design. I wanted to focus on the idea of organizing chaos…

Duo Simulation – Kate, Karen

Our simulation consists of two identical robots, one controlled with the mouse and one with the keyboard. The intention was to have one robot start off leading by…

Duo Simulation – Lauren, Doris

We combined our already existing robot models to form one idea. The forms trade turns moving. One interpretation we see is that the gray cones represent mythical creatures…

Duo Simulation – Matthew and Richard

We wanted to create a joint composition that leaned more towards a competitive nature rather than a strictly collaborative one. We thought through several ideas including a fencing…