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Cording & Channels & Boning – Nathan

While conceptualizing the piece, I knew I wanted to use a conical or cylindric shape and achieve a vertical collapsing motion. After constructing and puppeting the piece, I…

Cords & Channels & Boning – Judy

For this assignment, I wanted to have some sort of skeleton within the fabric to show the channel, cord, and boning manipulation while having an exoskeleton that allows…

Cords & Channels & Boning – Matthew

For this assignment I wanted to leverage the concept of channels to create a serpent effect in my fabric. I wanted to use a channel with a series…

Cords & Channels & Boning – Lexi

My original idea was to use arching tubes to form a kite-like structure to explore what would happen if you tested the limits of the tubing by stretching…

Class 9: Shibori Wrapping

Shibori Slideshow shibori handout

Class 8: Intro to MIDI, OSC, and Live

Thu, Feb 7. Sample code reference. Basic MIDI Summary. OSC = Open Sound Control Ableton Live tutorials on Lynda available via the CMU Lynda portal.

Class 7: Cords & Channels & Boning

Tue, Feb 5. Class 6 was cancelled due to weather. Slideshow: Channels, Cords & Boning slideshow

Assignment 3: Cords & Channels & Boning

Note: the original assignment 3 due Feb 4 was cancelled due to the university closure on Jan 31; this new assignment 3 combines the cord and boning elements originally planned as separate assignments. Due: Mon, Feb. 11, 11:59PM. We will build upon what…

Gathering and Shirring – Jean

For this assignment, I tried to use gathering and shirring to make some emoji style faces. In particular, I was trying to explore the possibility for faces to…

Gathering and shirring – Stephanie