Month: April 2020Page 4 of 4

Assignment 9, Danova and Sunjana

For this project, we developed our idea starting with an initial inspiration of mini-music video duets people make on social media. Our pair decided to experiment with various…

Assignment 9: Evangeline and Olivia

This video is meant to disorient the viewer by transforming each object into a different type of matter. Our focus was on shape-shifting to question how we understand…

Assignment 9: Kristie, Adam, and Olaitan

This is our finished video, made from five clips that we each took. We made the videos one at a time, and sent the ending to the next…

Assignment 9 Part 2: Ball games with Julia and Gil

For this project we decided to share a video with each other daily. We would allow each other to take the video in any direction we wanted and…

Assignment 9 (Part 2): Lucian and Tahirah

In this second week we refined our process and finished up our story. The hardest parts to this project were actually making sure the clip transitions line up…

Assignment 9 – Nick and Zhang Yu

In this first stage of exploration, we wanted to maintain continuity of motion between the two clips. The conceit is that the movement of the cloth (if we…

Assignment 9 Draft: Evangeline and Olivia

Our plan for this project is to use shape shifting through various materials and the colors red/pink as themes in a series of 3 transitions. This first example…

Class 22: Iterating an Element

Today we are going to explore two different ways to explore two methods for iterating an idea/element to further develop a project. Goals Explore two methods for developing…