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Assignment 6: Parasite

Due: Mon, Feb 24, 11:59PM par·a·site/ˈperəˌsīt/ noun: parasite; plural noun: parasites an organism that lives in or on an organism of another species (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients…

Class 11: Introduction to Pneumatics

The focus of class today will be exploring “medium-pressure/low volume” pneumatic systems. We will focus on heat sealing plastic forms and using air pressure systems to create form…

Assignment 5: Kristie Lord and Lucian Hodor

For this assignment, we decided on using the shirt we made in the previous class and adding flowers to it that open and close in a similar fashion…

Assignment 5: John and Nelly

We’re talkin about flowers and personal space. Ever wanted to look pretty AND hide away from unwanted flirtations? Think no more. The initial idea was to create our…

Assignment 5: Zhang Yu and Clara Zhao

In modern cities where the distance between human decreases due to the high density of population, the “shell” aims to provide a visible personal space boundary for the…

Assignment 5 – Olaitan Adisa & Danova Gardilcic

Amazing project indeed! It is a ‘shape changing project’ from a regular school-dress to a party dress. The regular school dress in a flare shape is transformed into…

Assignment 5 – Adam Grant & Evangeline Mensah-Agyekum

Have you ever wanted to own a multimillion dollar company, but retain your basic human empathy? Try the newest, transformative, business casual button-up! The camouflage we focused on…

Assignment 5: Sommer Schneller and Gil Jang

We made an extra arm! We took off a sleeve from another shirt, then made a hole in our existing shirt on the side abdomen below our original…

Assignment 5: Marieke Van Der Maelen & Olivia Werner

Chameleon Effect: We collaborated on our Camouflage project to turn an old Oxford shirt into an unassuming house plant. The inspiration behind this idea was if a person…

Assignment 5: Sunjana Kulkarni and Julia Nishizaki

For this assignment, we decided to play with the idea of a superhero who quickly changes from their casual, everyday clothes into their superhero costume. In the starting…