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Assignment 7: Danova and Sunjana

Our parasite, a continuation of last week’s assignment, takes on a more sinister personality, reflected by its color scheme and “acting” within the video. At the beginning, the…

Assignment 7: Olivia Werner and Julia Nishizaki

This second iteration of our parasite is made up of two independent air chambers, constrained by a plastic tube. As one chamber is inflated, it grows, forcing the…

Assignment 7 (Gil & Clara)

The troubled man walks in the calm… until he sees a person that enrages him, the parasite of anger inflames and physically manifests his inner rage towards this…

Assignment 7: Ola and Lucian

For this iteration of the project we thought it would be a good idea to iterate on the idea of plant growth and try to include the cyclical…

Assignment 7 – Adam Grant & Tahirah Agbamuche

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Assignment 7: Maya Pandurangan & Sommer Schneller

We chose to focus on character expression for this project. With our first parasite, our idea was to make an organism that restricts a host from eating. We…

Assignment 7 -Nick and Kristie

As the first piston extends upwards, the wearer is choked by a noose-like lasso wrapped around their neck. The parasite is inhaling, drawing breath from the diminishing life-force…

Assignment 7: Parasite Iteration by Zhang Yu and Nelly Tchato

This project was a continuation of our previous assignment 6 parasites. Our unsolved problems were to better develop a better inflatable balloon and have the parasite cycle through…

Assignment 7: Marieke Van Der Maelen & Alexander Michael Wang

Parasite Babies Mechanics of Parasite Babies: The “Parent” parasite is similar to a torus, but unlike one, it has a sealed end to it. The babies are fairly…

Class 14: Pneumatic Research

We are entering the part of the semester where we are investigating new technique. The focus of class today will be a diverse set of experiments to try…