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Student submissions documenting exercises, projects, and other assignments.

Assignment 15: Rebeccas

We wanted to simply the motion of the motor but still have a large effect of the actual textile that would be affected. We decided to take advantage…

Assignment 15: Anishwar and Yael

Ideas for Asymmetrical Secondary Creature: Furry ball that triggers reaction in main creature when stroked. This creature will vibrate in response to the noise data received from the…

Assignment 15 – Elise and Kanvi

Kanvi’s prototype In making this, I learned a few things: the servo sweep must be for a very limited angle range in order to make sure the petal…

Assignment 15: Team Pom Pom 🎊

Prototyping the Wind Chime Unit During class Elle and I began making pom poms and experimenting with different sizes and lengths while Helen continued to flesh out the…

Assignment 14 – Elise and Kanvi

The mechanism for our flower involves a sine servo motion with green lights when at rest. The servo then reacts to a loud noise such as a snap…

Assignment 14: Yael and Anishwar

The creature that we are designing is curled up most of the time; however, it is meant to flatten when it hears a loud sound. For Thursday, we…

Assignment 14: Celia, Helen, Elle (AKA Team Pom Pom!) 🤹‍♀️

Today we tested out Helen’s code for our ambient wind chime project, and it was a great success! When Helen shook her microcontroller it was able to transmit…

Assignment 14: Rebecca’s

Here is a video of our design. Currently our design is sensitive to light and sound. If 1 a) The motor will move according to a randomized maximum…

Assignment 13: Project 1 Ideas – Elise and Kanvi

The Idea Imagine a flower that never wilts. Instead, it blooms and then closes up steadily. And then it repeats. It takes on the form of an ever-breathing,…

Assignment 13: Yael and Anishwar

Concept: A grumpy creature that curls in irritation when sound is detected nearby.Make him look like he’s sleeping? So whenever there’s too much noise, he wakes up? The…