The following is a general template for the final report, which is to be delivered as a blog post. Please write out your narrative in paragraph form, the outline of prompts below is not intended as a format guide. The video is crucial; please make sure it captures the intention and success of your project
Continue reading Project Report Template
Author: garthzandrew-cmu-edu
Exercise P1 Post Template
The following is a general template for the exercise report, which is to be delivered as a blog post. This was primarily a skills-based exercise to teach basic motion capture and Grasshopper data processing, but please be sure to include your analytic observations about the nature of the tool and process. Please write out your
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Spring 2019 HMV

This is the site for the Spring 2019 iteration of 16-455/48-530 Human-Machine Virtuosity, offered at Carnegie Mellon University as part of the IDeATe program. The course meets Monday and Wednesday, 9:30AM to 11:20AM, in MMH C4 (the dFab Lab).