Exercise 3: Lateral Literature Search

I found the root paper “Dolphin Sam: A Smart Pet for Children with Intellectual Disability” while searching through papers on assistive soft robots. Dolphin Sam is responsive to the child using sound, vibration, and lights (1). I was most interested in the idea of how an assistive soft robot would use sensing to respond to the environment (2). This lead me to a paper claiming to build upon the concept of sensor-less soft robotics by reducing the amount of sensors needed to measure the same amount data as it did when it used more sensors (3).

  1. Root Paper.

Colombo, S., Garzotto, F., Gelsomini, M., Melli, M., & Clasadonte, F. (2016). Dolphin Sam: A Smart Pet for Children with Intellectual Disability. Proceedings of the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces. 10.1145/2909132.2926090

2. Paper on wireless sensing soft robot.

Oh, B., Park, Y., Jung, H., Ji, S., Cheong, W.H., Cheon, J., Lee, W., & Park, J. (2020). Untethered Soft Robotics with Fully Integrated Wireless Sensing and Actuating Systems for Somatosensory and Respiratory Functions. Soft robotics. 10.1089/soro.2019.0066

3. Paper on using current measurements to measure stiffness, which could reduce the amount of sensors the soft robot would need.

Rizzello, G., Serafino, P., Naso, D., & Seelecke, S. (2020). Towards Sensorless Soft Robotics: Self-Sensing Stiffness Control of Dielectric Elastomer Actuators. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 36, 174-188. 10.1007/978-3-030-29381-9_9

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