final mold design gesture detection We first found the thresholds for the four directions (left, right, forward, back) through trial and error and created conditions in the main loop to check for changes in the x, y, and z values that crossed these thresholds. We took inspiration for the algorithm from this paper: Then,
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Week 4 Progress Report – Fiona and Gia
End of Week Report We finally got our molds 3D printed so we have casted the silicon into our molds. We still need to test the silicon pieces with an air pump. We have started the circuit for connecting the air pumps and Arduino, so once we know that is working it will be easy
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Week 3 Report – Fiona and Gia
End of Week Report This week has been mostly testing and fixing our CAD models and trying to get them printed. We realized that our molds needed some slight changes so that they would print properly, it mostly had to do with changing the ports and tubing to fit correctly. We did a lot of
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Week 2 Report – Fiona and Gia
End of Week Report new mold 1 – full bracelet prototype This is a mold for a full bracelet with the ability to be tied together or clasped? If you fill this whole mold up it should make one full bracelet. Also this has the thinnest tube we have done so far with a .5mm
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Week 1 Report – Fiona and Gia
Ideas we wanna test the next couple weeks: Beginning of the week plans We want to print 2 different molds this week to test the concepts above. This is a rough first plan before attempting anything. Things we need to figure out in the future End of Week Report For this week we got two
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Exercise: Infusing Art with Technology – Gia
Artistic Intent: The intent is to slow individuals of bustling New York to stop and pay attention to their environment and specifically the flower instillation. It’s interactive so people can also play and experiment with the movement of the flowers and experience its “choreography.” New Intent with Soft Tech: Since this installation is inspired so
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Soft Robotics in Design and Art This project came out of the Tangible Media Group at MIT. They designed 3D printable hair and created a program that can easily design and print the hair without using additional CAD. In the videos, they showed many applications that they designed for the hair material. They demonstrated that you can use this technology
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Peer Review
Reviewer: Gia Marino Soft Electrohydraulic Actuators for Origami Inspired Shape-Changing Interfaces Purnendu, Eric Acome, Christoph Keplinger, Mark D Gross, Carson Bruns, and Daniel Leithinger. 2021. Soft Electrohydraulic Actuators for Origami Inspired Shape-Changing Interfaces. In Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ’21). Association for Computing Machinery, New
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Lateral Literature Search
Source paper: Sun YC, Effati M, Naguib HE, Nejat G. SoftSAR: The New Softer Side of Socially Assistive Robots-Soft Robotics with Social Human-Robot Interaction Skills. Sensors (Basel). 2022 Dec 30;23(1):432. doi: 10.3390/s23010432. Root Paper: Laschi, Cecilia, Barbara Mazzolai, and Matteo Cianchetti. “Soft robotics: Technologies and systems pushing the boundaries of robot abilities.” Science robotics 1.1 (2016): eaah3690.
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Exercise 1 – Gia Marino
In this research, they looked at magnet connection with soft materials. They did a lot of force testing and found that magnet connectors are quick and easy but do have less strength than previously tested connectors. J. -Y. Lee and K. -J. Cho, “Development of magnet connection of modular units for soft robotics,” 2017 14th International
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