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Silicone Rubber Procedure

Overall concerns:



Density (g/cc)

Pot Life (min)

Cure Time (hours)

Mix Ratio

Ecoflex 00-31

1.07 grams/cc

40 min

4 hours


Ecoflex 00-45

1.06 grams/cc

45 min

4 hours


Dragon Skin 10

1.07 grams/cc

20 min

5 hours


Dragon Skin 20

1.08 grams/cc

25 min

4 hours


Small Batch Mixing Protocol

The following notes are intended for very small test batches, e.g., a single part in an open mold. The details will vary slightly depending on chosen material.


  1. Use your CAD system to calculate the part volume (final rubber volume).

  2. Look up the density (specific gravity) for your chosen material.

  3. Calculate the total batch size: mass = volume * density, with an allowance of a few grams lost to the container.

  4. Calculate the Part A and Part B masses. For all of our silicones, each is half the batch mass.

  5. Note the pot life and cure time of your chosen material.


  1. Write your name, date, etc. on a new entry in the log sheet.

  2. Gather materials and equipment:

    • two-part silicone of the selected hardness (pair of bottles)

    • three wooden mixing sticks

    • one small disposable container

    • digital scale

    • stopwatch or timer (e.g. your phone)

    • two small pieces of paper towel (for wiping the bottle threads)

    • nitrile gloves (available from IDeATe Lending or the laser cutter room)

    • brown craft paper on the table under the mold to catch drips (roll is on cart)

    • move a trash can within reach

Measuring and Mixing

  1. Place the clean, empty container on the scale and note the tare weight, then zero the scale.

  2. Measuring and adding Part A.

    1. Open Part A and stir with a clean stick.

    2. Add the correct mass of Part A to the clean container. For tiny amounts, it may be easiest to drizzle with the stick.

    3. Scrape the excess off the stick back into the bottle and dispose of the stick.

    4. Use the first paper towel to wipe the bottle threads and securely close it.

    5. Note the final mass delivered and adjust the part B calculation if needed.

  3. Measuring and adding Part B.

    1. Open Part B and stir with a clean stick.

    2. Start either your stopwatch or a countdown timer set to the pot life.

    3. Add the correct mass of Part B to the container, slowly approaching the target mass. For tiny amounts, it may be easiest to drizzle with the stick.

    4. Scrape the (clean) excess off the stick back into the bottle and dispose of the stick.

    5. Use the second paper towel to wipe the bottle threads and securely close it.

  4. Using the third mixing stick, gently stir for three minutes, taking care to keep the material concentrated in the bottom, but scraping the sides to assure complete mixing.

Vacuum Degassing

  1. Remove the clear lid of the vacuum chamber and gently set it aside.

  2. Place your pot container carefully into the chamber. There should be foil lining the chamber in case of spills.

  3. Place the clear lid centered on the top of the pot.

  4. Start the pump, then close the hand valve on the lid.

  5. Watch the pot. If bubbles start to rise, slightly open the hand valve to raise the pressure. Please note that fast air inflow can knock the container over.

  6. Once the bubbles settle, allow the chamber to reach a near-vacuum.

  7. Turn the pump off once a vacuum is reached. The vacuum will continue to degas the material.

  8. After several minutes, slowly open the hand valve to return to room pressure.

  9. Please note that degassing time counts against the pot life.

Pouring and Curing

  1. Pour material as a thin ribbon into the lowest point of each mold, holding the container well above the mold to allow air bubbles to break.

  2. Using the mixing stick, gently work the material into the mold crevices to loosen any bubbles.

  3. Add a final drizzle if needed to fill mold to the upper edge.

  4. Stop before the pot life time is reached.

  5. Place the mold(s) on paper on a level table and allow to cure undisturbed for the full cure time.

  6. Leave the mixing cup next to the mold, the residue can help indicate cure state.


  1. Check for spilled silicone and wipe up with paper towels.

  2. Return all materials and equipment to storage.

  3. Put the trash can back where you found it.


  1. After the recommended cure time has elapsed, gently touch the surface to verify the rubber has fully cured.

  2. Gently work the rubber part out of the mold. It may have an airtight fit, so it may be helpful to gently compress the flexible rubber in from an edge or corner to allow air to enter below the part.

  3. Please measure your actual part mass and enter it on the log sheet.


  1. If your final part consists of several individual parts bonded together, you may use the same silicone as an adhesive to join fully cured parts.

  2. Follow the instructions above to mix a very small batch of silicone.

  3. Use a wooden stick or other tools to apply a thin layer of silicone on the bonding surfaces.

  4. Allow the full cure time for the bonded assembly.

  5. With care, parts can be sealed airtight at full strength.