Gravity Sound connects strings to planets in our solar system where each string’s tension is equal to the gravitational pull between the two objects it’s connecting. A frequency can then be found, knowing the length and tension of the string.
The strings in Gravity Sound now have delay capabilities. Select the delay button on the left menu and a parallel solar system will appear. If a string is selected (highlighted red when selected), a user can then create a string in the delay solar system which will modulate the selected string. Only one delay string can modulate a selected string at a time. The resulting values that are sent to MAX/MSP over OSC are:
delayTime = abs(y coordinate of string midpoint) ….(absolute value)
delayRate = string length x 3 …units are AU. which is the distance between the Earth&Sun
delayDepth = 4 …changing this in real time didn’t sound so great. 4 sounded okay
delayFeedback = 1 – abs(sin( angle between camera and string midpoint) x 2) …wanted it to be close to 1
delayWetness = 100 * abs(cos(angle between camera and string midpoint) / 2)