Make it So Ch 3, 4, 5 – James Kyle


I thought the conversation about virtual projections was especially interesting given the state of virtual reality in the modern tech world. I think it is interesting to think about real world applications of virtual projections and I think things like the Metaverse are the closest thing we will get in the near future. I think it’s also interesting to think about the application of virtual reality type equipment not only in virtual environments but also in exploring real world places and things. With haptic feedback and camera technology nowadays, I think it is realistic to think that the next step of virtual projection type technology is not only visual but also touch based.


The conversation about color was also interesting to me because giving meaning to colors as an engineer is not something I think about everyday but affects the way I interact with my projects. For example, the color of wires in electrical diagrams plays a big part in how easy they are to understand. Using red wires for everything connecting to power and black wires for everything connecting to ground is something that is second nature to me having worked with electrical components for a while but it seems like an arbitrary decision. There are lots of other color standards for indicating signal types flowing through specific wires but it’s kind of interesting to think about the origin of those color schemes similar to the reasons why blue displays signify futuristic tech.



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