Wrapping Up: Special Thanks

As the semester draws to a close and we finish up the last few tasks before our final release, it’s important to keep in mind those who made this entire project possible!

In this post, I’d like to thank each of the people who contributed to Buggy AllStars. This project was a massive undertaking, and keeping it all going was no easy task!

Even with 25 students working together, it wouldn’t have worked if we didn’t have all the support we did. So, thank you!

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Buggy AllStars – A Post-Mortem

Once your project has wrapped up, loose ends have been tied, and the game is out in the world for people to play, it’s standard to look back on how things went in the form of a “post-mortem.”

So, I invite you to join us as we look back at our successes (and failures) to see what was done well, what we’re proud of, and what lessons we learned. It’s been a long journey and there’s a lot to unpack, but the team worked hard and those results deserve to be mentioned! Finally, we’ll end on some thoughts as to the future of Buggy AllStars, and what we can expect in the next year!

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The Global Game Jam – Iron Rations

Today’s post is going to be a bit different from the others and talk about a non-Buggy100 game. The regular dev post will be up later this week, on Friday the 7th.

This past weekend was the Superbowl Global Game Jam, and a part of the Advanced Game Studio team was fortunate enough to take part! In addition to being a valuable team-building exercise, this weekend kicked off a ton of creativity, and was a valuable learning experience for reasons I’ll soon explain.

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