Category: Group Check-in

In Progress Critique: John

This is some fabrication in progress and some tinkerCad files I’ve been doing testing with. they were just for tests so I didn’t finish them, but if you…

Group Check-in No. 1: John

I decided to make an automata of a barber. These are some of the sketches of the idea.

Group check in: John

Im planning on making an automaton 🙂 little test     TinkerCad circuit

Group Check-In 2: Dance ~Space~

Circuit Diagram Updated Logic Diagram New layout sketch Floor progress

Gates Group 1: Check in

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Gates Group Check In 1: CUT

By William Lamkin Cut is an experiment in creating an interactive work with permanent consequences exacted on the piece by the audience member. Intended for use by one…

Dance Box Group Check-In

Dance Box Interaction mode: Body engaging, dance (with activation points to refill coffee, turn lights on, and turn lights off). Intended siting: Indoor, spacious room, dark. Intended experience…